5 Types of Shoring Used In Construction

When it comes to any kind of construction, the main focus always is to find ways to prevent a collapse. The sense of security that comes with durable buildings, which is able to withstand the harshest conditions, is basically priceless. What Is Shoring? Shoring works basically involves the construction of an additional support structure that prevents a building from collapse. Usually, shoring is used in deep excavation too, to prevent the toppling of the retained soil. However, it is important to understand that not all structures enjoy the same condition. They are built on different terrains, under varying conditions, using varying resources. So, in order to support structures of varying types, various types of shoring are resorted to. Types of Shoring in Use 1. H Or The I-Beam Shoring Also commonly known as the Soldier pile walls, H beam shoring is the commonest type of shoring in use. It is called so because it is...