What is secant piling, and how does it work?

As we all know, shoring provides support to the building or structure. There are many types of shoring in the construction project like H or I beam shoring, secant pile shoring, etc. In this blog, we will discuss what secant piling is and how does piling works. What is the secant piling shoring technique? The secant piling contractors use this technique to support the walls before the excavation process begins. The wall is created by constructing primary and secondary piles, where the secondary piles are further intersected to form a continuous structure. This method is used where the secant piling contractors can foresee the obstruction or in urban basement projects where space is less. Complex projects spanning rough terrains like the Etihad Rail are prime examples of how secant piling provides value. Universal Piling Company has supplied excellent secant piling services to help accelerate the construction process and ensure workers’ safety. For More In...